Let's Master Your 

Power Pivot


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Let's Master Your 

Power Pivot


Apply Today

Tell me if this sounds like you?

You have big Oprah status dreams and you know deep down inside you are supposed to be doing more than just clocking in to your current 9-to-5. The thought of starting the transition to where you want to be feels so overwhelming. BUT that nagging voice in your head, just will not let you leave your dreams alone so you’ve started secretly researching while you’re at your current 9-to-5 hoping your boss doesn’t catch you. You’ve started saving that inspo folder on Pinterest, following your favorite women on social media for that extra motivation, and signing up for every freebie online that can help you get closer to your goal.

You’ve done all that you know how to do but now what?!

The free webinars just aren’t doing it for you anymore and you know you need MORE!

In my Signature Program, Pivot to Prosper was designed with you in mind. This 12-week one-on-one coaching program has been designed to support professionals like you with navigating career transitions to different industries and/or roles that feel more aligned with their core.

This program is

for you


    • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired

    • You’ve tried “all of the things” but not seeing the progress that you truly desire in your career - from resume revamps to additional certifications

    • You love your industry but the job that you have is just not cutting it anymore

This program is 

not for you 


    • You are not committed to showing up for yourself every week

    • You aren’t willing to try and learn new things

    • You are looking for a quick, magical fix

    • You aren’t willing to invest in yourself personally and professionally

You deserve to live the life you’ve been dreaming about!

You will walk away with the clarity, courage and necessary resources to make it happen after completing Pivot to Prosper!

Hereā€™s Whatā€™s Included in the Program:

  • Twelve weekly individual coaching sessions
  • Personalized Power Pivot Plan that is bigger than just your career goals
  • Comprehensive Strength Assessment to support you with creating goals aligned with your authentic self
  • Ā On-going monthly support upon completion of the program to hold you accountable for sixĀ months

Ready to Get Started?

Apply Today

Once you submit your application, you’ll receive a confirmation email with additional instructions. It’s important to me that I partner with clients who are committed to this transformative process so I like to review each application in detail. However, you can expect a response within 1-3 business days.

Frequently Asked Questions