4 Time Management Hacks to Boost Your Productivity
Nov 19, 2022
Are you struggling with productivity? Do you want to focus your time management skills, and get more done in less time?
You’re not alone! Every day people just like you are striving to be more productive!
Whether it’s because they work for themselves and they want to earn more money, or simply because they want to be happier and less stressed at work - boosting productivity is a common goal.
When it comes to productivity, the key is learning how to successfully manage your time! Not everyone is born with good time management skills, however, so here are the 4 top time management tips to help you boost your productivity, permanently.
1 - Use Time Blocks
We can all struggle with time management now and then, but not getting on top of it can have a serious effect on productivity. If you’re looking for help, the best solution is to hire a time management coach. They will work with you to boost your productivity, permanently. g time blocks. Create 1-2 hour blocks of time throughout your day, and give each a specific task you want to achieve in that time frame. This works especially well in the mornings.
2 - Plan Your Days By Task
Most people do some form of planning their working day; from to-do lists or simply keeping track of deadlines, likely, you often set out what you want to achieve that day. If you want to start managing your time more effectively, the next step is to plan out each day using time blocks. Create 1-2 hour blocks of time throughout your day, and give each a specific task you want to achieve in that time frame. This works especially well in the mornings.
3 - Schedule weekly reviews
Even if you work on your own, a weekly review meeting is a great way to take stock of the week and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Set yourself goals each week, and if you haven’t achieved them be honest with yourself (and your team) as to why. If it’s something you can change, implement it for the following week. Slowly but surely you’ll see yourself getting far more done each week.
4 - Focus Your Social Media
While social media is used by all businesses now, it is also likely to be your biggest daily distraction. We’ve all been guilty of having a 5 minute phone break, and then still scrolling 30 minutes later. The trick is to be strict with yourself; set yourself daily social media time limits, and if you use socials as part of your job make sure you write down what tasks you need to achieve. When you’ve completed those tasks, put your phone away.
We can all struggle with time management every now and then, but not getting on top of it can have a serious effect on productivity. If you’re looking for help, the best solution is to hire a time management coach. They will work with you to boost your productivity, permanently.
Similar to time blocks, effective time management comes from knowing what tasks you’re going to complete each day. Pick a specific day to plan and/or create certain tasks that come up each week. For example, if you have to plan out your social media marketing each week, make it a goal to always complete this on a Monday, outreach is on Thursday afternoons, and so on.
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